Sunday, June 28, 2009

Foley Equipment For Sale: Lacenter, WA

This was posted as a comment earlier this week:

Have Foley Model 387 Saw Filer, Model 52 Power Setter, and Retoother and all Manuals. For Sale best offer. located in Lacenter, Washington 98629

Let us know when it sells tphoneman!


  1. I have a Foley Automatic Saw File Model387. I need to know the price for it. My Dad had it and I was wondering what it would sell for.

  2. If it has the carrier bars, I'd think about $100 is fair. If not, $50 seems to be the going rate.

  3. Hi Matt,

    I have a Foley retoother 385. It doesn't run because the friction gear lost its rubber. It came that way so I do not know the outer diameter. Can you messure it for me?

    Cheers Pedder

  4. Please see the new Foley saw filer, setter, and retoother blog at
